4th Quarter Farm Congrats, Ann! You so deserve this.
I'm SO EXCITED, I'm doing a 2-legged snoopy dance! I was notified this morning that I received a partial scholarship from FLORET FLOWERS for this year's online cut flower school!!!!! (See me jumping up and down?!) This is a REALLY BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!! In the dead of last January with Lynn gone and recuperating from my second broken leg surgery, my sister Claire introduced me to the Floret website and I was immediately smitten. And I knew right away that I wanted to grow flowers for seniors in assisted living to honor Lynn's passing. It's been a long wonderful journey since and I'm so grateful for the mentoring and help from Ginger Steele and Jenn Fifer and Ignatio and Miguel and the support and encouragement and help from my friends. 4th Quarter Farm delivers fresh flower arrangements to over 300 lonely people per month. It is the most wonderful feeling in the world to make someone's day. It's healing and enriching for everyone who takes part in any step in the process. I am looking forward to taking the next big leap. I will be working on getting non-profit status this fall. My friend, Ginger is planting hundreds (no thousands) of seeds for me, some of which will go into a new cold frame this winter for early blooms this spring. Thousands of bulbs have been planted and thousands more are on order. The entire pasture will be planted out next spring. In January, the yucky shed will go away and a beautiful new building designed by Ellie Wellstead and built by Johnathon Markt will sit next to the greenhouse with plenty of space to process flowers (no more leaves and stems in the washing machine!) and provide some much needed parking. Big planning will go into reaching out to the elder care community to spread our mission and begin to get funding to cover all the expenses. Who would have thought a year ago that
all this would happen. If you are curious about this whole thing, please visit my wonderful website designed by Anneli Anderson. www.4thquarterfarm . I would love to have you join me on this wonderful journey. ... See more